
Picking Your Battles


Powered by RedCircle Today, we’ll be talking about discerning which battles are worth fighting with our children, teenagers, and our spouses. How do we know which battles to pick and when to let go? Together,

Picking Your Battles2024-06-03T23:22:46+00:00

Holding on to Hope


Powered by RedCircle For episode 100 I've invited my favorite person on earth to join me!  My wife Emily has a life that's worthy of a book.  She married a widower, adopted his daughter, walked

Holding on to Hope2024-06-04T01:37:09+00:00

Choosing to Cheat


Powered by RedCircle Everyone wants your 100% best.  But it's impossible for everyone to get your 100% best. During a time in my life when my family was suffering because of my inability to set

Choosing to Cheat2024-06-10T03:19:24+00:00

The Love Bank


Powered by RedCircle How is your bank account doing? I'm not talking about your financial well-being, I'm talking about your love bank.  If you've never heard of the love bank, it was one of the

The Love Bank2024-06-10T03:48:34+00:00
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