One of the most common questions for a follower of Jesus is “How do I know God’s will for my life?” Often, these questions revolve around a few major decisions, such as where should I go to school, what should I do for a job, and who should I marry?  As we continue our series “Knowing and Doing God’s Will”, Jay lays out the Path of Wisdom for how to determine God’s will for your life, including what one should do if God’s will is not clear.

Relying heavily on guidance from the book “Decision Making and the Will of God” by Garry Freisen and J. Robin Maxson, Jay outlines a Path of Wisdom for decision making that will serve every believer in every circumstance. Ultimately summed up in the phrase “love God and do what you will,” Jay explains the following principles:

  • Where God commands, we must obey
  • Where there is no command, God gives us freedom (and responsibility) to choose
  • Where there is no command, God gives us wisdom to choose
  • When we choose wisely, we trust the Lord to work out the details


Resources mentioned:

Decision Making and the Will of God

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