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One of the most important tools our children can leave our house with is a wise set of moral boundaries. That’s going to be the topic of our time together today as I continue my survival guide series.

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Show Highlights

What is the real reason why our children should want purity? It’s not enough to just tell them that they need to do it. Understanding the reason behind it is what will really ensure that they will pursue purity in a meaningful and lasting way.

Like in the previous episode on Wise Choices, we reiterate that a wise person makes moral judgements and installs moral guardrails before feelings get turned up high.

Guardrails are put up so we don’t fall of the side of a cliff. In the same way, in our lives there will be times that you are HALT – hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. At these times, your temptation level will be higher than normal. Hopefully, before that happens, you’ve been able to put up your moral guardrails already.

The things that you take pleasure in are created by God. If you eat something delicious, marvel at that fact that God created everything from the ingredients to your taste buds that help you experience this pleasure.

God created sex and knows about it more than anyone. He’s the one that created it for your pleasure and ultimately it should be something that causes us to worship God for the wonder and majesty of what he created. But there is something even better than sex – that’s intimacy.

Intimacy is the joy of knowing someone and being fully known without fear of rejection. We have a deep longing for intimacy with each other and with God.

Sex and intimacy are connected. Sex is not just something physical, but something that is primarily relational. Our children live in a culture that teaches otherwise.

Help young people establish guardrails to live by:

  1. The further you go, the faster you go.
  2. The further you go, the further you want to go.
  3. The further you go, the harder it is to go back once you’ve crossed some boundaries.
  4. Where you draw the line determines three things:
    • The arena of your temptation
    • The intensity of your temptation
    • The consequences of giving in to your temptation

Great sex is a byproduct of maximum intimacy. Purity paves the way for intimacy.

Resources Mentioned