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As we close out 2022 I share with you five questions that can help you process your year and lead you into an intentional 2023. For each of the questions I share with you my answers as I process my year. Listen as we discuss the following questions:

– What are the 2-3 ways you experienced the goodness of God most deeply?

– What are the 3-4 decisions you made that have had the most impact on your life this year? (2 Good, 2 Bad)

– Which relationships had the greatest impact on you this year?  Were they good or bad?

– What is something you really wanted to do that did not happen this past year? Why didn’t it happen?

– If money were no object and you could do anything with your life to serve the Lord, what would you do?

– Walk through these questions personally. Write down your answers. Then prayerful take the questions to the Lord and process them with your spouse.

Resources Mentioned:

Episode 278 How to Measure a Good Day

Episode 279 A Walkthrough of a Family Sabbath Dinner

Get a copy of my Measuring a Great Day checklist and Family Sabbath Liturgy – https://bit.ly/3EDH56y

Consider a year end gift to Cpgive.org