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You wear a lot of hats in your life, and each of those roles has several demands.  Life can feel extremely defeating when you feel like you stay overly busy but accomplish very little. Today I talk about a question that brings incredible clarity to your life, and can help massively simplify your “to-do” list.  Listen as I share what I learned from this gem of a book: The One Thing: The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results by Gary Keller

Show Highlights

  • The 80/20 rule
  • Learning to do fewer things for greater effect
  • It’s not that we have too little tie to do all the things we need to do, it’s that we feel the need to do too many things in the time we have
  • Task and responsibility creep
  • Cultural clutter
  • Learning to give the greatest effort and energy to the thing that matters most
  • Looking at your “To-do” list and discerning the “could-do” and “should-do” items
  • The One Clarifying Question
  • Applying the One Thing question to your
    • Personal life
    • Physical health
    • Family life
    • Job
  • My “One Thing” in each area:  Schedule; Food; Empower; & Create

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What's the One Thing that I can do, such that, by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?  Gary Keller Share on X
We need to be doing fewer things with more effect rather than more things with side effects. Gary Keller Share on X
When everything feels urgent and important, everything seems equal.  Activity is often unrelated to productivity, and busyness rarely takes care of business. Gary Keller Share on X
If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.  Russian Proverb Share on X
Researchers estimate that workers are interrupted every 11 minutes and then spend almost a third of their day recovering from these distractions. Gary Keller Share on X

Resources Mentioned

The 80/20 Rule

The One Thing: The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results

Gary Keller 

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