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This is the first of a four part series on building blocks for a healthy marriage. Before getting into communication and conflict techniques, it’s important to remember that a healthy marriage must have a solid foundation. Today I share three vital pillars for every marriage to thrive in a spiritually broken world. As you listen, consider whether your marriage is supported by: 1) a regular, personal spiritual pursuit of Jesus Christ and His will, 2) spiritually connective practices with your spouse, and 3) an accountable and encouraging faith community. 

Helpful questions to ask yourself:

  1. Am I setting aside regular, personal time with Jesus?
  2. Do I read His word with a heart to see God, know His will, and follow it?
  3. Do I regularly pray for and with my spouse?
  4. Does my pursuit of worship, study, and serving enrich my spouse’s walk with Jesus?
  5. Do I have a spiritual community that encourages me in my walk and calls me to accountability if I am straying or mistreating my spouse?

Resources Mentioned: 

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Get the Key Psalms to Pray Over Your Kids: www.cpgive.org