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At best you’ll get around 18 summers before your children are out of the house. Today Jay shares fun and creative ideas for how to make the most out of your summer by creating a summer theme. With a summer theme, you can focus on a particular area of discipleship in creative ways that will deepen your family’s faith while making sweet memories.

With the help of his new A.I. Assistant Chat GPT, here are some fun summer themes Jay talks about:

  • “Summer of Faith” – Focus on growing your family’s spiritual life through daily devotions, prayer, Bible study, and attending church events or retreats.
  • “Summer of Service” – Engage in community service and mission projects, both locally and globally, to demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion.
  • “Summer of Creation Care” – Emphasize environmental stewardship by participating in eco-friendly activities, learning about sustainable living, and caring for God’s creation.
  • “Summer of Fellowship” – Strengthen bonds with other Christian families and friends through regular gatherings, potlucks, and group outings, while also welcoming new people into your community.
  • “Summer of Discipleship” – Mentor and guide your children in their faith journeys by exploring different aspects of Christian living, such as prayer, worship, and evangelism.
  • “Summer of Gratitude” – Encourage your family to recognize and give thanks for God’s blessings, keeping gratitude journals or sharing daily blessings at dinner.
  • “Summer of Worship” – Attend different churches or Christian events, explore various worship styles, and incorporate family worship time into your daily routine.
  • “Summer of Christian Art” – Discover the beauty of Christian art, music, and literature, and encourage your children to express their faith creatively through various mediums.
  • “Summer of Pilgrimage” – Plan a family trip to visit historically significant Christian sites or meaningful places in  your own faith journey.
  • “Summer of Rest” — Unplug! Do less!
  • “Summer of Generosity” — Become more like Jesus as you give more, share more, serve more, and learn patterns of habitual proportional stewardship.


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Connect with Jay:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsparentonpurpose

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland