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We’re going to change things up today. We’re going to do a little devotion about a big truth. Walk with me through my favorite Psalm, 127, and learn how we can apply it to our lives.

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This was a song they would sing as they were marching up the temple steps in Jerusalem each year. It beings as a powerful reminder that, “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.  Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”

  • Think about the protective measures for our families we have put in place-health insurance, home insurance, car insurance, savings – all to treat our children well and d protect them from the unknown.
  • No matter how many safeguards we put in place, we are just not in control.
    • This can be terrifying, but, it should also be freeing!

We are responsible but we are not in control.

  • What does that mean? Wouldn’t it be better if being responsible meant we were in control?
  • We are responsible to be faithful with what God has put in front of us.
  • We are not in control of the outcome.
  • We are responsible for our own:
    • Decisions.
    • Intentions.
    • Reactions.

We are in charge of duties given to us by God, but the outcomes are often a mystery.

  • Eternally, we know God works them for good, but in the day-to-day, we don’t always see how.
  • According to Psalm 127, if I’m not in control that means God is. We should rest better at night knowing this!
    • Be in awe of God’s power!
    • Rely on God to keep your family together.

Children are a heritage from the Lord

  • Do you look at your children as arrows?
  • Do you see your children as objects of power and influence for the Lord? Arrows for you to gather, sharpen, and launch into the world on behalf of Christ?
  • Do you value each child as their own unique arrow for God to mold and shape?

There is freedom in having no control.

  • Trust in God to preserve your family.
  • There will always be that “one thing.”
  • We require daily dependence on the Lord.
  • We are built for eternity.
  • God will be there, no matter the outcome.

Be encouraged to memorize Psalm 127. It should be a continual grounding force in your life. Look at your children as precious arrows given by God. Invest in them as you would anything that could radically shape and change the world. They are the Lord’s arrows. Owning this brings freedom.

I would love to pray for you and your “one thing” that you need to trust the Lord in. Please feel free to email me at [email protected]


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I am responsible but I am not in control. Share on X God’s given me duties to do, but the outcomes are often a mystery. Share on X There will always be that ‘one thing.’ Share on X


Resources mentioned

Parenting By Paul David Tripp

Camp Living Stones, Tennessee

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