This Year: Do Less, Better
[email protected]2024-06-03T22:55:05+00:00Powered by RedCircle Today I've got five questions to share with you as you go into this new year that might help you to do less, but to do it better. If you find this
Powered by RedCircle Today I've got five questions to share with you as you go into this new year that might help you to do less, but to do it better. If you find this
Powered by RedCircle Sometimes it seems like a cloud of negativity hangs over our household. This week I share with you a simple change I made that helped change my perspective, as well as the
Powered by RedCircle A relatively quick overview of how to create and replace habits. This could really change your life, it changed mine!
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates I love New Years. I love being able to look back at last year,