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One of the greatest ways to increase the security and stability of our children is to invest in our marriage. If mom and dad love and enjoy one another, children feel safe. Today Jay shares a number or regular habits each couple can make to increase the quality and security of their marriage. By committing to these regular and public habits, you not only enhance your marriage, you will also create more stable, grounded children.

Jay’s suggestions include:

  • Tell your spouse you love them.  Tell them often.  In front of the kids.
  • Flirt with your spouse.  In front of the kids.
  • Hug and kiss and cuddle with your spouse.
  • Put a date night on the calendar for each week. Fight for it, and then walk in grace when it only happens once or twice a month.
  • Write notes to each other.  Put them in places your spouse will find at surprising points in the day.
  • Have sex.  With each other.  A lot.
  • Be open with what you need from one another.
  • Pray with each other. Read the Bible together.
  • Find a hobby together, apart from the kids.
  • Talk up your spouse to your kids.  Talk about how awesome they are, how mommy and daddy are a team, how much you love them, and how you’ve got their back.
  • In an ideal world, get away, overnight, a few times  a year.
  • Give yourself grace.
  • Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt.
  • Lighten up!


Resources mentioned:

Want to be a Better Parent? Be a Better Spouse

Episode 120 How Your Marriage Affects Your Parenting

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Join my Things for Thursday Email List and get a free Marriage Snapshot Tool and Fun Family Conversation Ebook!


Connect with Jay:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsparentonpurpose

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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jaydholland