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Jay Holland and Chris Sasser explore the concept of emotional baggage that children carry into adulthood, particularly focusing on the pressures of performance, the importance of healthy relationships, and the role of parental influence. Chris shares insights from his book ‘Bags’, discussing common emotional burdens children face and practical ways parents can help lighten their load. The discussion emphasizes the significance of understanding one’s identity in Christ and fostering connections over mere content delivery in parenting.



  • Children often carry emotional baggage they are unaware of.
  • Performance pressure is a significant burden for today’s youth.
  • Parents should focus on building healthy relationships with their children.
  • It’s essential to identify and address parental ego in parenting.
  • The gospel provides hope and identity for both parents and children.
  • Connection with children is more important than delivering content.
  • Parents should aim for their children to be healthy, not just successful.
  • Understanding family of origin impacts parenting styles.
  • Parents need to model their identity in Christ for their children.
  • Small, intentional steps can lead to significant changes in parenting.


#parenting, #emotional baggage, #performance pressure, #healthy relationships, #identity, #gospel, #family dynamics, #youth counseling, #premarital counseling, #parenting advice

Let’s Parent on Purpose is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcasting Network. For more information, visit www.ChristianParenting.org



Chris Sasser (a.k.a.“Sass”) is the Pastor of Family Ministries at Port City Community Church in Wilmington, NC. He has served in full-time ministry since 1993, working with children’s, middle school, high school, college, and parent ministries. He has a passion for equipping and encouraging parents and leaders to help the next generation walk with God. Chris shares thoughts and ideas at www.equipandencourage.com and loves to share with students, leaders, and parents. Chris is married to Karin, and they have two young adult children, CJ and Kylie. 


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